项目位于上海外滩一流黄金地段. 大楼本身拥有深厚的历史气息,被列为一个文物保护建筑.
Situated right on the Shanghai Bund and carried by the historical weight of the location, the project site itself is known to be amongst the most important heritage buildings in this city.
上海也一直是”中西合璧”最具有代表性的城市. 而”装饰风 – Art Deco”也在上海许多出名的文保建筑上刻印出了这城市的优美姿态. 在咆哮的二零年代中,装饰风是建筑与艺术界第二次的文艺复兴. 而在上海, 是海派文化的演变起点. 那强烈的几何元素简洁利索,风格中的缤纷色彩令人眼前一亮.装饰风将主导设计语言,以不同形式在硬装,软装,甚至于摆件中诠释.相同与”表之艺术”,永恒的精致,舞动了这个城市的面貌,也将赋予这栋历史建筑崭新的灵魂.
我们把“时间” 与 “艺术” 作为项目主导核心: 表, 是项目业主对时间的见解. 其技术与工艺的深远历史,是艺术的展现.这种永恒的精致,带动了我们的流行文化与生活品质.
以外滩海派文化的浓厚历史作为设计底蕴, 让瑞士名表的精髓描绘出设计概念. 本项目不仅仅只是创造出另一个尊贵典雅的外滩空间,而是要诠释一个故事: 人类对于”时间”与”艺术”的执着.
Shanghai has always been a melting pot of eastern and western culture, and its city skyline reflects as such. Art Deco buildings can be spotted throughout the city, flooding the city with the glamour of the roaring 20s from the western world. As art deco marks a second renaissance for western art form, so too does it help shape the “Hai Pai” culture of Shanghai. The style is known for its combination of clean and geometric shapes, and this is reflected as the basis of the project’s design intent; we fully embrace the history of the site, as we paint a new story of the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. A story of the craftsmanship and lifestyle of luxurious watches, which will bring this building a new color to its historical meaning.
We use the two keywords “Time” and “Art” as the cornerstone of our concept: Watch, is a timeless piece of gadget. The craftsmanship that can be found in any luxury watch brand has its own unique history; it is a form of art. The intricacy within this artform will always propel the high-end lifestyle forward.
We draw elements from the Hai Pai culture as the bases of our design language, and further incorporate the Swatch brand identity into our design. Our goal isn’t only to create another glamour space along the bund, but to tell a story: Humanity’s perseverance towards “time” and “art”.
项目中三层的每一层, 都将通过”表”,以不同诠释来阐述这个故事. 表,不单只是一个计时工具.它,是门艺术,是展现自我的方式. 从表中,我们抽取三种精髓含义,对照项目中三层不同功能的空间作为链接: “生活品质 – Lifestyle”, “展现自我 – Showtime”,以及 ”专属个人 – Personal Exclusiveness”
This project is separated into three floors, with each floor having it’s distinctive themes in relationships to the art of high-end watches. A watch isn’t just a tool to tell time; it’s a product of the upmost craftmanship, and self-expression. We’ve dedicated three expressions of luxurious watches onto the three floors in relations to the programs of the project: Lifestyle, Showtime, and Personal Exclusiveness.
本空间是艺术会堂. 是休憩,是闲暇娱乐.其中,名表在奢侈极限运动中有着重要的地位. 是上流社会的生活展现. 本层的设计将延续Hassel原设计概念 – 船舱, 以新的手法 – Yacht Club 来诠释. 对于一个俱乐部与至尊客房的混合空间来说,私密性极为重要. 平面分区因此拆成了了东西翼. 面向外滩美景的东翼归纳为动区,承载着俱乐部,包括餐厅,娱乐厅,商务休憩区,档次实至名归. 西区则归纳为客房静区,属于非极为密的空间划分; 客房与俱乐部功能流线互不干涉.
The space is an art center, a place for recreation and entertainment. In parallel, a sports watch holds an importance in the world of luxurious and extreme sports. It expresses the lifestyle of the upper class. The design concept for this floor will elaborate on Hassel’s original ship cabin idea, as we tell our story through the theme of yacht clubs. The need of privacy for mixed programs of a high-end clubhouse and residence is extremely high. As such, the plan is separated into two wings. We’ve designated the bund facing wing for active zones, which includes entertainment hall, private dining, and business lounge; The other wing will in turn become a quiet zone, dedicated for private suites, to insure the circulation of the two zones don’t cross over.
本项目最大的亮点其在与每个空间都有属于自己的故事. 从电梯厅已出发所营造的登船启航的氛围, 步入长廊仿佛进入了游艇船舱的氛围, 之最后进入每一间房间中,体验置身前往世界不同角落的海岸景点旅游一般,是一个沉浸式的感受体验.
We aim to establish a story within every corner of the project. The moment you enter the elevator hall and into the hallways of this floor, individuals would feel as though boarding a luxurious yacht. Upon entering the rooms, the experience then takes you to different coastal themes, as if travelling the world alongside this yacht; wandering within this floor would be an immersive experience.
Archipelago 礁湖群岛
Put on your sunscreen. Take in the view of the vast ocean horizon. 涂上防晒,瞭望大海与天际.
A closer look at the reefs 近看珊瑚群
The coral reef 珊瑚海
Mediterranean mood 地中海风情
Ocean breeze, coastal vibe. Vibrant and lively. 享受海风,海岸小镇风情. 色彩缤纷, 充满活力.
Bold geometry, and intricate details. Surrounded by blossoms of nature. 简洁建筑格调,精致设计细节. 花朵绿植环绕
Under the alps, and above the turquoise lake. An afternoon of luxurious sport. 碧蓝湖面上,雪山背景下的奢侈帆船生活.
A sail back to the harbor on your personal yacht, and watch as the sun sets. 黄昏下,乘着私人游艇回岸.
A cabin by the lake. Firewood and entertainment. 回到湖岸木屋中,舒适温暖,且不失高端的娱乐氛围.