项目位于衡山路8号, 是上海法租界的核心地带. 大楼本身带有一种现代复古的风格.
The project is located at 8 HengShan Rd, right at one of the hotspots of French Concession area in Shanghai. The building itself combines elements of boutique and modern design.

Joye & Sam 的品牌理念,来自于给人们一种全新的健康生活方式. 在品牌的选取上,致力于搜罗全球最优秀的品牌带入都市生活. Joye & Sam 希望把保持这种自然,健康,阳光的生活状态带给每一个客户. 所以我们在这个室内环境体验上,也希望把这种存粹的自然主义精神带入到我们环境设计里. 同时 Joye & Sam 又是一个面向都市的一个品牌, 再某种程度上他将掀起了一种健康时尚达人的生活方式,潮流的饮食方式和观念,积极乐观的生活姿态将在这里发酵. 与此同时, 它也契合全球的这种与自然和谐相处的意识,环保的理念. 我们也希望把这种环保自然的概念,完完全全的阐述在 Joye & Sam 的这个品牌设计之中.
Joye & Sam's branding concept is driven by providing a brand new healthy lifestyle for its patrons, and this begins with bringing in a collective of top product brands into our metropolis lifestyle. The client thrives to create a warm and lively place , and thus our interior experience will reflect a simple and natural tone to it. In another words, the brand will no doubt set off a new wave of lifestyle enthusiasts that focuses on healthy diets and the culinary arts. Moreover, we wish to bring in eco-friendly materials into the overall design.

阿珍与大田是食疗大使. 这不仅仅是一个高级超市, 而是带领人们回归到食物真正的含义: 人情味地把人连接起来. 是喜悦,是治愈的能量. 回归市集的社区文化.
在负一楼中,大田是音乐与艺术的结合,水波纹灯光效果营造沉浸式体验,酒与冷盘触动我们的感官. 这是一个具有高包容型的空间, 有轻松品酒的区域, 有聆听现场音乐的机会,也有高级餐饮的氛围, 吸引着广泛的人群.
Joye & Sam brings a refreshing environment with its hearty food selections. This isn't just a high-ended supermarket, but a place that will navigate us to the root of the culinary arts: Connecting people with food, and building a community. It's a place of joy, and liveliness; a place that shapes the local community.
On B1F, Sam sets the perfect blend of the arts and music within the space. The water wave lights stages the immersive background, the wine and cold cuts activates our senses. The space is highly inclusive, where people can enjoys various types of entertainment; from casual pool side drinking setting, to the live music square, and then to a semi private fine dining space.

Joye & Sam 的餐饮酒食区,回归到高档品酒文化的庆典上,和食艺复兴的主题上. 空间蒙太奇拼贴,将不同时空错叠交织在一起. 我们把幻想中的老法租界的泳池广场带入空间. 老上海Art Deco 装饰主义,法租界的法式浪漫线条,引入客户体验中. 在泳池吧台边喝酒,广场听歌餐饮.艺术与音乐交织一起. 街道感,历史感,魔幻感. 装饰主义的标识感融入空间中,一下子拉到黄金时代.
Joye & Sam's Wine & Dine celebrates the world of wine by diving back to the core of the wine culture, and food culture surrounding it. We gather different elements and montage them into a single space; elements deriving not only from the French Concession, but also from the pool culture of the early 80s. Beer by the pool side, live music on the plaza, fine dine and wine just tucked in the quiet zone; these are all the bits and pieces the users may experience in this single space.

从1楼步入旋转楼梯下来时, 消费者能360度观望到酒窖区域至泳池餐饮区域, 每个角落都充满着惊喜,等待被挖掘.
As you make you way down the stairs from the ground floor, patrons will have a 360 view of the entire winery and pool side bar. Numerous surprises awaits to be explored.

将近五千多瓶高级红白葡萄酒, 以及来自于世界各地的高档起司火腿,恭消费者细品.
The archives holds up to more than 5 thousand bottles of red and white wine, and in combinations of a quality charcuterie selection, patrons will truly experience the world class wine and dine. The design assures a level of modern and minimalistic elements to allow these products to shine.