项目位于衡山路8号, 是上海法租界的核心地带. 大楼本身带有一种现代复古的风格.
The project is located at 8 HengShan Rd, right at one of the hotspots of French Concession area in Shanghai. The building itself combines elements of boutique and modern design.
Joye & Sam 的品牌理念,来自于给人们一种全新的健康生活方式. 在品牌的选取上,致力于搜罗全球最优秀的品牌带入都市生活. Joye & Sam 希望把保持这种自然,健康,阳光的生活状态带给每一个客户. 所以我们在这个室内环境体验上,也希望把这种存粹的自然主义精神带入到我们环境设计里. 同时 Joye & Sam 又是一个面向都市的一个品牌, 再某种程度上他将掀起了一种健康时尚达人的生活方式,潮流的饮食方式和观念,积极乐观的生活姿态将在这里发酵. 与此同时, 它也契合全球的这种与自然和谐相处的意识,环保的理念. 我们也希望把这种环保自然的概念,完完全全的阐述在 Joye & Sam 的这个品牌设计之中.
Joye & Sam's branding concept is driven by providing a brand new healthy lifestyle for its patrons, and this begins with bringing in a collective of top product brands into our metropolis lifestyle. The client thrives to create a warm and lively place , and thus our interior experience will reflect a simple and natural tone to it. In another words, the brand will no doubt set off a new wave of lifestyle enthusiasts that focuses on healthy diets and the culinary arts. Moreover, we wish to bring in eco-friendly materials into the overall design.
阿珍与大田是食疗大使. 这不仅仅是一个高级超市, 而是带领人们回归到食物真正的含义: 人情味地把人连接起来. 是喜悦,是治愈的能量. 回归市集的社区文化.
Joye & Sam brings a refreshing environment with its hearty food selections. This isn't just a high-ended supermarket, but a place that will navigate us to the root of the culinary arts: Connecting people with food, and building a community. It's a place of joy, and liveliness; a place that shapes the local community.
Joye & Sam 的餐饮酒食区,回归到高档品酒文化的庆典上,和食艺复兴的主题上. 空间蒙太奇拼贴,将不同时空错叠交织在一起. 我们以明档作为空间分界, 中西料理与文化做区分, 而周边的留线作为中西合璧的结合点. 这多重来自世界各国的食物文化, 缔造食物嘉年华的氛围.
Joye & Sam's Wine & Dine celebrates the world of wine by diving back to the core of the wine culture, and food culture surrounding it. We gather different elements and montage them into a single space. We utilize food stations as zone anchors, and circulation as a melding point for the eastern and western food cultures. With a wide selection of food from across the globe, it is truly a culinary carnival.